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Articles on U.S Taxes
Real Estate Investor in the U.S
In general, when a foreign investor invests his money in real estate in the U.S, whether for rental or sale purposes, th...
Form 1040 – The IRS is Looking for You
The U.S tax authorities work in a manner that is uniquely different than parallel authorities in other countries around ...
A U.S Enrolled Agent or U.S CPA, Who Should You Choose When It Comes to the IRS?
The obligation to file your taxes to the U.S tax authorities - the IRS, is relevant not only to U.S. citizens living off...
U.S Social Security for U.S Citizens Living Abroad
The United States, like Israel and many other countries, enacted a Social Security Act that states that U.S workers must...
U.S Citizens Living Abroad
Whether you were born in the United States or were given U.S citizenship for any other reason, you must report your inco...